

What can do to increase my milk supply?? I have tried so many things My baby is always hungry. He gets so mad that my milks it’s not enough. I don’t use formula or anything I really want to breastfeed but I getting so frustrated. He is 3 weeks old and every day is the same thing he eats and never gets full. He always looking for more. I breast pump while he sleeps (when he sleeps 🙄) and the most a i get is 1oz. 😫

Yesterday while i was showering my husband gave him formula and when I got out i was surprise to see him calm and not crying. He sleeps for 3 hours i was so sad that my milk is the problem and i kind feel guilty because apparently my poor baby has been starving. I don’t want to give up but I don’t know what else to do. 😭 have anyone tried something to increase milk supply and actually works??