Is this indirect manipulation?

Hello. I'm a 30 year old Latina living in my parents home with my mother and brother. You see, she inherited this huge debt due to some of my father's financial decisions (mainly to pay college tuition for me and my brother) and that's why my brother and I give her almost all our income. We three pay everything, just like roommates do (the mortgage, the services, etc). My brother and I both ended up dropping out of college to help financially. We have a little sister that earned a scholarship and left to NYC for art school. She doesn't even have enough money for herself, so she can't help my mother financially like my brother and I are doing. My brother, desperate for more money to help, left temporarily to San Francisco to do Lyft since it seems to be 10x more profitable there than where we are (Miami). My father is currently helplessly trapped in Venezuela (our native country), unable to help us financially and struggling with even the basic necessities to sustain himself (we sometimes send him toiletries and food). He is currently severely depressed, thinking he failed his family. We are not American residents or citizens, but we are here legally and able to work as political asylees (a status that we have not been even granted). We've been in this stalemate situation for solid 5 years. I feel like I'm stuck and that my youth is slowly slipping away. I can't have an active social life because that requires spending money one way or another. I fear that I might never be able to live by myself or be independent, much less even having a relationship. A coworker told me that I shouldn't feel responsible for my parents mistakes and if I wanted to, I could leave home and start the life I want. She told me that my parents are basically manipulating me indirectly. But I feel that if I do that, I would be an ungrateful daughter. I feel that I would be abandoning my mom since I likely wouldn't be giving her as much money (or maybe nothing cuz I'd be needing it to sustain myself). I have implied a couple of times that I want to leave home and she and my brother get mad at me for even considering it. They tell me I live in the clouds. I make the biggest income out of all of us three. I think I make enough money to have a decent life for myself, but I feel I would be betraying my family. What do you think is the best thing to do? To keep holding on? Please, let me know your thoughts...