My birth story for my second son!

Tamara • Mommy to my 2 beautiful baby boys, Nathan Louis💙 born August 12, 2017 and Parker Joseph May 6, 2019❤️ My whole world😍

The day before my husband and I went to the park with our 1st son. We had walked quite a bit and it was very hot outside.

I woke up around 4am with period like cramps/contractions. They weren’t strong enough so I went to the bathroom and went back to bed. I woke up few hours later when my 20 month old son woke up and I still felt them, but they weren’t too close together until towards the afternoon where they were 5-15 minutes apart. My MIL came cuz my husband was worried about me and he was at work..I was texting him.. I figured they were contractions but with my first son I was induced so I wasn’t 100% sure.

My dad ended up coming over too..cuz he was already planing to. I wasn’t gonna go to the hospital because I didn’t think they were too close together yet..

I ended up going in cuz my dad and MIL suggested to and I called the on call OBGYN and they said it was up to me if I wanted to go in.

I went in and the nurse there checked me and said I was only 2cm dilated which was the same from a week ago at my last OBGYN appt. I was still feeling contractions and they were getting closer together.

My actual OBGYN doctor checked me a hour or so later and he said I was 4-5cm dilated !!! 😱 so the first nurse was definitely wrong. So like 15-20 minutes later the doctor broke my water at 8pm and my second son was here at 10:02pm on May 6,2019💙 I only pushed for like 5 minutes, 3 pushes. And I didn’t take any medication throughout my labor.🙏🏼❤️

Parker Joseph Kleiber, 8 lbs 10 oz and 21.75 inches long. Same weight as his brother brother and 1/4 inch longer than his big brother ! Love him SO MUCH 🥰 he’s 6 weeks old today!