C Section Photos (graphic)


Well we tried to go the natural way! 41 weeks along. Two full days of induction before doctors decided to do a c section. I managed to dilate to a five but no further. I was so relived when they decided, just to be done! I was exhausted, my first epidural failed, and the second one was so painful to place!! I was happy just to have an end in sight!

Luckily a nurse offered to take the camera from my husband so he could stay by me (catch my vomit, wipe my tears 😂).

She did a pretty great job I think ☺️

She had to go to the NICU for trouble breathing but luckily she was okay and they actually released her to us less than a day later.

First doctors appointment perfectly healthy🥰

Far from recovered, and having some SERIOUS crying bouts (happy and sad ones, my poor confused husband 😂), but falling more in love every minute I hold her!!