Finally here!


06/12 I was having contractions every 3-5minutes so my boyfriend and I headed to the hospital. We were there for 4 hours before they sent me home. I was dilated to 4 and was still having contractions every 3-5 minutes. We were both upset because we had hoped he was going to get a birthday baby on 06/13.

Sunday we got to sleep in late because my daughter was at my mom’s house. I was feeling bad because I didn’t have anything for him for Father’s Day but I told him I was going to atleast cook him breakfast. Around 12:30pm I get started cooking and soon after started having contractions and noticed pretty quickly that I needed to be timing the contractions because they felt pretty close together. By the time breakfast was done and we had ate my contractions we 3 minutes apart. I figured I would get to the hospital and get sent home again so I decided to hang around the house and take a shower then was going to lay down for a while to see if the contractions changed. By the time I got out of the shower my contractions were 2 minutes apart and were lasting 1 minute long. My plans for a medication free delivery went out the window real quick by the time we got to the hospital at 3pm. I got an epidural, did my make up, and welcomed Aliann Kreedance into the world at 6:14pm. She weighed 7lbs1oz and was 19.5” long. I don’t think I will ever top this years Father’s Day gift.