Afraid to become a hater...

Recently I found out anxiety, real sadness, and maybe a bit of jealousy...

I dont really know why but I'm starting to be a bit jealous and sad when my friends have a boyfriend or girlfriend and it's weird because I have a bf and it's great between us.

So why on earth do I feel bad, when I see a picture of my friends with their bf, gf, look so happy on social medias...

Also, im starting to compare and judge some people on social medias (no hate comments though haha) but I just feel anxious even more.

I've always hated social medias, that's why I don't have Facebook, insta, but only Snapchat and it's enough to make me feel insecure (I never post anything)

At school, there was a boy, really cute, who had a crush on me and I was not interested.

I'm still not but we are still friends and he has a girlfriend now and posts pictures of them, and I can't help feeling bad and jealous...

Help me, give me advice please, I hate being that kind of personn