Asking relatives if they’ve had their flu shot/vaccinations?

We’re expecting our first baby this fall, and a friend of mine asked me if we’re planning on checking with our family members/friends to see if everyone is up to date on vaccines and flu shots before the baby comes. (we both have extended “family” that aren’t blood related but have always been our fam, and we aren’t 100% sure if all their kids, adult kids and friends are up to date)

Obviously I want my baby to be safe and protected, but I worry about being one of those moms who literally post “rules” on the door of their hospital room telling people not to kiss their baby, to wash hands first, etc.

You always hope people have the common sense to do so, but a part of me wonders if unfortunately not everyone would. I have a half brother who is 18, while I love him, he’s beyond spoiled (doesn’t know how to cook anything, has to be woken up by his mom for school, etc) and I honestly don’t think he would think to wash his hands before touching the baby. It just wouldn’t cross his mind, ya know.

Have other moms checked with family members to see if they’re all caught up on shots and such or is that a first time mom worry that honestly shouldn’t be brought up?