Self harm, Ex, Suicide attempt

My ex dumped me last year for my bestfriend, I became really depressed and anxious ( he was my first bf ) anyway he texts me every few weeks saying he misses me and regrets leaving me ect. I usually fall for it and I havent been able to move on, the point is it was a very emotionally abusive relationship and I hated myself alot he never showed me love and I did everything for him, including cleaning, buying his food ect, but he texted me at 1am last night and I stayed up with him all night because he was going on about how everyone hates him and how he doesnt want to live, I was genuinely scared that he would attempt suicide, he was so scared and begged me not to tell anyone, he ended up cutting himself ALOT I'm talking his entire arm from shoulder to wrist I told him that it was okay but he needed to stop cutting because getting angry wouldve just made it worse, he stopped but now hes going to have raw open cuts everywhere, I would tell his mother but she is a alcoholic and we arent even allowed to text each other. I said for him to wear long sleeves since its winter and when they heal to use bio oil to get rid of the scars, anyway I have no idea how to handle this we are both still in high school I told him he needs to get some help but I have no idea how to handle this. I feel selfish but I'm really annoyed that he always does this to me because I can never move on and I dont even know anymore

Please no hate

Edit*, he refuses to get help and he is extreamly stubborn so I dont know what I can do for him