What do I do?!

Sorry in advance. This is a very long post.

I am currently 13 weeks pregnant. I am also high risk and a diabetic. This is my first pregnancy, so I really don't know what to expect other than what I read on the <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.nurture">pregnancy apps</a>, in books and online.

I've been sick several times and even had the flu about a month ago, which I also passed it on to my SO. Both me and my SO work for the same company. My employer at the time assured me that I wouldn't get any form of negative repercussions since I didn't have enough sick time to cover all of it. So they put us on FMLA and keep both of us out for 2 weeks. The doctor had only asked for us to be off for 5 days and then released me back to work. Trying to go back to work was a nightmare. I was feeling better and ready to work by day 4. So I called my employer to ask them what day/time they'd want us to work. They tell me they still haven't received any paperwork from the HR department and can't do anything. The following week was a battle between HR and my doctor. My doctor filled out the paperwork and faxed it to the HR department. HR claimed they never received anything. This went on for a few days before I finally took our release papers and personally emailed it them while on the phone with an agent. She received them and got them processed 2 days later. The release date from the doctor was set a week before I finally was able to work. My employer only saw the days marked and used that against me. I was put on a final warning for attendance. My SO was released later since he had a very bad sinus infection, so that didn't affect him in any way. Fyi, we weren't getting any form of income for that time period

Fast forward to last week. I was having a bad day. I woke up late. I had planned to go to the bank at 9am because they had frozen my account because of fraudulent activity. I woke up at 10am. I had plenty of time to get to work at noon. We live in a small city. We were done by 10:30am. Still plenty of time left. I hadn't had any breakfast and my blood sugar levels were dropping fast so we grabbed a bite to eat. By the time we were done it was 11:30am. We got in the car and started making our way to work. Traffic is usually not bad at that hour, so we didn't think much about it. That's until we realized the local music festival was opening their gates at noon that day as opposed to the next (which is how it's been for 10+ years). Long story short, I called them and told them what was going on and I was late by 12 minutes. Several of my coworkers were also caught in this unexpected situation. I told my manager about it and she said she'd talk to the GM about it. Friday rolls around and they call me into the office half way through my shift to give me my termination notice and I get walked out by the assistant manager.

At that moment I wasn't really shocked about it since they've been trying to get rid of some people due to their prime season ending. But I honestly didn't think it would've been me and because of something like this. Both the GM and one of her assistants were in there. The assistant looked like he was going to pass out when the GM was telling me this because he had no clue what was going on. I was one of their hardest workers. I would go out of my way to help other coworkers and make myself available for any last minute changes in scheduling. I would volunteer for any overnight work and even do some translating over the phone on my days off. My position was technically in one single department, but I would end up having to be in 4, sometimes 5, different departments in a single day. I would also volunteer my free time to help out in any company projects as well as driving to different locations for anything they needed, even though my job description said nothing about traveling.

Now that I've had time to process all of this and figure out our financial status I am panicking. I called the insurance company to find out when my last day of coverage is. Usually they give you a 30 day post-termination period or at least until the end of the month. They informed me that my last day of coverage was the day I was terminated and that there's nothing they can do about it. I know there's several benefits I can apply for, and I will. By previous job was stressful and I was already planning on looking for another job. But, none of the jobs that are available are suited for me since they all require heavy lifting and are mostly standing positions with 10+ hour shifts. My family is encouraging to start my own business in jewelry making and other crafting since I am a very creative and crafty person. I'm afraid it won't help me with our immediate needs. Rent, bills, car and personal loans, food, medicine and copays, and now having to find an insurance and pay that as well.

My emotions are all over the place. I'm grateful to be out of that high stress job, but now I'm overwhelmed with the reality of our situation. I can't stop crying about it. I'm currently job hunting and applying for insurance through the health department. My SO keeps telling me we're going to be alright and that he'll apply for a part time job if he needs to. He doesn't want me worrying because of the baby and wants me to be home during the rest of my pregnancy if possible to reduce any chance of complications since I'm easily getting sick. The truth is I don't want him to have to carry all of this on his own. We both want to have this baby, we both agreed to live together and share the cost of living so why wouild I let all of that fall on him? I'm one of the eldest of 7 to divorced parents and I'm used to being able to help out financially and emotionally. Now I feel like a burden and useless. I want to work! I keep looking for work from home jobs because that would still be doable after the baby is born, but they're mostly scams. I'm going crazy. Does anyone know of any legit work from home jobs?

Thanks for listening.