I can’t do anything right

My whole life people have left and treated me horribly. My mom chose drugs over me. She only got her self together for my younger sister but made it very clear that she wanted nothing to do with me. My dad remarried and his whole life revolves around my step mom and two sisters he had with her. I lived with my grandparents and they are the kind of people that will love you as long as you’re doing what they want. I got married almost 4 years ago and my husband… I don’t know. I try so hard to make him happy. I have just been so exhausted here lately. I work over 40 hours a week and I take care of our almost 3 year old and I’m 16 weeks pregnant with our second. I’m trying so hard to keep up I’m just so tired. I was put on pelvic test for bleeding and can’t have sex so I try and keep him happy other ways. Tonight after putting dinner away and putting my daughter to bed (which she fought tooth and nail) I finally went to crawl into bed when my husband told me the trash can needed cleaned. I said ok and that I’d do it tomorrow. He got so mad at me and told me he’d do it since he has to do everything. Here lately he’s been complaining about the dinners I make when they used to all be his favorite foods. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow and I have to see my OB’s partner who happens to be male. My husband told me that if this male doctor has to do an exam (because I’ve had more spotting) I’d be sleeping on the couch because another man shouldn’t be touching me down there. I feel like I can never do anything right. No matter where I turn or what I do it’s wrong. I’m sleeping on the couch tonight because I can’t stand to sleep next to him. Instead of realizing he’s been an ass he told me I’m attracted to drama and I’ll do anything to be as dramatic as possible. He doesn’t see how he’s hurting me. No one ever does.