Birth story of our daughter Scarlett!


Sooo haha i’m a little late but the morning of December 27th i had an ultrasound at fetal and assessments due to suspicion of cholestasis. I was 38+3 days along. Then following the appointment i had one with my OB. She then suggested i go home get our stuff ready and head into L&D to be induced to have our little angle before it started to have an affect on her as i started to develop it pretty late in my pregnancy. So when i get to the hospital i was attached to a few monitors. And boom they broke my water. Oxytocin started and they bumped me up and up and up until i dilated more. I haven’t had any pain stuff yet and i was having 10 contractions within 10 minutes with 5-10 second breaks in between each of them. Since my water was already broke each contraction was cutting off the cord to my baby and her heart would drop. They attached a monitor to her head to make sure she had a heart beat, and added fluid back into my uterus in the mean time. So 5hours later of labouring on my hands and knees with no pain stuff. They suggest they had to do a spinal to prepare me for a c-section as I wasnt progressing and by the time i was 10cm it would either be too late and we’d loose my daughter or i’d be too weak to push from the contractions as they didnt slow back down once they shut off the oxytocin. 5mins after i had the spinal done (which was unsuccessful mind you) i started to push without me even if pushing it just happened. And so they checked me thinking it was just numb and I couldn’t feel anything. And just like that i went from stuck at 8cm for 7 hours to 10cm. 3 NICU nurses came in, 3 OB’s along with my OB, 3 nurses and 2 students. We started pushing for about an hour and a half with no luck, and come to find out shes sunny side up so was stuck. They had to use a vacuum device thing to pull her out. And i had 3rd degree tearing. Once she came out everybody stopped and looked concerned. They threw her on me cut the cord took the placenta out and took her to the nicu nurses and they finally got my baby to breath and then rushed her down to nicu because of the fluid in her lungs from them putting fluid back inside of me to relieve pressure off her cord. 2hours later i still have no updates on my baby besides a couple photos from my SO. I showered 1hr after birth because i had to get stitched back together. After that they denied me to go see her even though i had somebody to take me down. I had her on December 27th at 11:58pm. And at this point it was 4am and still haven’t met my baby. Around 6:30am my SO came up and told them he’s taking me to meet Scarlett. And they allowed it. For the first tome at 7am i got to see my daughter after 8hrs! She had stopped breathing mutliple tomes and was on assisted breathing, and on feeding tubes. Her blood sugars were dangerousy low. After her and i did skin to skin she bounced back and got healthy as can be and we got to go home 30hrs after birth 💕😭 it took me so long to post this because i’m now just getting okay with talking about it. I had really bad pstd from it all. And ppd