Do you think reptiles have emotions?

☀️Katelyn☀️ • 👦🏼 Elijah David ~ 👶🏼 Sebastian Joel

I was watching a video about a man in Japan who has raised a Cayman (a type of alligator) for the last 34 years, and the Cayman is now 6.5 feet and 101 lbs. the government has given the man (who’s now 64 years old) special privilege to take his Cayman for walks around the city, and it has never in its life bitten anyone or acted aggressively towards people, so the man takes the Cayman to schools to teach children about it, and wildlife protection. You can tell the man absolutely loves the Cayman and takes care of it extremely well.

I noticed in the comments though, there were people saying that the Cayman behaves so well to the man because it loves the man, and then there were others arguing with those people that reptiles don’t feel emotions. They where basically saying that reptiles only have a calm mood, or a defensive mood. They don’t feel love or any “complex” emotion.

I personally think that reptiles do have emotions. I’d like to think that almost all living things are capable of basic emotions.

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