Going with a midwife!

Adina • I`m 24 with a 2 year old boy and another on the way. Married for 3 yrs.
19 weeks pregnant at the moment . Decided to go ahead & go with a midwife as I believe this will be better for my personal needs. Being a first time mom I don't really know what to expect. All I want is comfort, the ability to move around freely, the atmosphere to be motivated to listen to my body & perhaps the smoothest birthing experience I can get. My biggest fears are tearing & the ring of fire!! So I have written down many different tips & tricks which are said to work. I am hoping all goes well! Due date 2/20/16 as of right now. I am also thinking of trying out hypnobabies as I have heard great things. I'm worried that all the meditation & relaxation will have gone out the door when I actually get contractions bc I do not do well with pain. My tolerance for pain isn't good enough haha.