TTC Suggestions


Hey, ladies -

I received my first (EVER!) BFP today after 1 full year TTC. I thought I would forward to y’all some advice in terms of things we did different this month. Obviously not sure if these things really made a difference or just a coincidence but they are fairly easy so — worth a shot! I know I would have appreciated reading this post when I was TTC.

1. Clearblue Advanced OPK - the one with the smiley faces. And when you think of giving up because you just keep getting the circle or flashing smiley... KEEP TESTING!!

2. BD the day of solid smiley, and everyday for the next 2 days.

3. Fertility Yoga - I looked up most of this from YouTube and practiced on my own about 10-15 minutes a day throughout ovulation and the TWW.

4. Always wear socks!!! Keep your feet warm during the TWW to promote implantation.

4. Exercise gently - bike rides, walks, elliptical, take the stairs at work!

5. Drink LOTS of water. I’m talking like a gallon per day.

6. Get lots of sleep & a good breakfast.

Xoxo I hope you all get your BFP soon❤️