32 weeks, can time fast forward...!


Seriously, I’m so over this whole pregnancy.

*steps on soapbox* I hate the sleepless nights, the extremely modified workouts I’m having to do now, the heartburn, the getting full super fast, which turns into all day stomach pains, the constipation, hip pain😫... all of it! *steps off soapbox*

I’m happy for everyone that simply enjoys their pregnancy, I’m just not that person, never have been.

This is pregnancy #6, baby #5 and I’m so thankful that he’s healthy and progressing nicely. I’m 40 and a super busy mom, so the plan is to induce at 39 weeks, if I don’t go into labor on my own before then. I was induced with my 5 year old, so I know what I’m getting myself into with this one. I’m one of those weird cases where, instead of the baby coming sooner with each pregnancy, they stay in longer. Had my 1st at 36 week, 2nd at 37 & 1/2 weeks, 3rd induced at 39 weeks and 4th 5 days before my due date. So I’m not holding my breath that this one comes before my induction date. We will see, in the mean time, I’ll try not to melt in this Texas heat 🥵