Going solo to delivery?

Marissa • Mommy to H (10.2017) L (08.2019) and R (06.2021)

So I'm currently thirty weeks pregnant and I also have a 20 month old son. I'm currently scheduled for a C-section due to placental issues on Aug 26. I'll be 39+2. This is great and all but my husband and I aren't really sure how to handle our older son. I am no contact with my entire family and the members of his family who are in our state are older or handicapped so they are unable to care for a toddler. He has a very close family friend who has agreed to watch our son on our c section date but I'm worried about if I go into labor naturally earlier, I'm not sure she could come up on short notice (she is an hour away). Add to that, my son is having HORRIBLE stranger anxiety and has only seen this person once, though we are visiting again tomorrow, but I'm so worried he will scream and cry and be miserable that is stressing me out. I'm honestly thinking about just going and doing this alone, whether it's my scheduled c section or an earlier spontaneous labor. That way my husband can stay with our son.

I just don't know what to do. Doing this alone makes me so sad but I'm not sure of other options. Has anyone gone through anything similar or have any ideas? I tried to look into doulas but I'm so far in my pregnancy I can't find one who can accommodate my schedule and I also don't really want a cheerleader in the operating room with me. Ugh, I have no idea.