A letter to my unborn baby..


Round and round we go.

Another cycle down.

Another <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> round.


Another month of trying, crying and praying.

Spent almost 10k in a little over 2 years.

Surgery, procedure, injection, prescription, all just to be able to see, announce and hold our "miracle".

But where are you, baby?

Are you ever coming?

Here we are.

But if I'm honest, we are exhausted.

Do we go through another round?

We know you're worth it.

Or do we sit this one out?

Scared to see another no.

Afraid to fail, again.

I hurt. Inside and out.

My body looks so different every round, every cut, every injection, every pill, every pound, Up or down.

Yet, you're ALL I seem to ever think about.

This time, even daddy cried.

I think I actually heard both our hearts break.

I know its in Gods time, but really, how much time do I have here?

For today, I'm just gonna sleep and try to stop the tears.

But Baby, just incase "our time" never comes, just incase I don't ever get to see your sweet face and the answer is just, NO.

I pray that God tells you just how much we already love you, from head to toe. 💖