Dear under exsperienced nursury nurse

Ok my féanca and I just had our first child TOGETHER and I emphasize this due to I am a mother of now 4 beautiful and intelligent little girls so I have done this a fue times and we are about an hr out from birth and we had a major bomb shell dropped on us by the hospital social worker. She literally came in my room about 45 min after I gave birth to my 8lb 4oz baby girl and told me that my local dhr/CPS office case worker who had already been pushing my buttons with my elder 3 girls due to them being in a safety plan and her not doing her job (whitch btw for those who don't know you are aloud to refuse and they have to get a court order and prove right then that the child/children have been abused or neglected before they can remove your child I did not know this untill it was to late) so my children have spent the last 6 months out of my care and I miss them dearly but they come in and infom us they are going to be in my hospital room tomorrow to place my newborn in to a safety plan and I have had to deal with that all day and my lawyer whitch is a nice guy but not what I wanted to deal with on a day such as this none the less they could have come in later and let the high of our newborn baby girl sink in before bringing such a dark feeling to a good day but any way we get through all of that tensions are still high and we get a nurse on nights that acts as if this is my 1st child knowing she took care of my eldest when she was born so she is going to come in and tell me I need to not cover my child with so many blankets and all this other stuff when bare in mind it's 12:49 am and I have yet to sleep sence 9:30 am Thursday morning because I couldn't get comfy so I have been awake for quite some time and the room is a bit on the cold side for me but I'm trying to keep her warm and have my hand on her at all times and again I'm still wide awake so I'm not going to let something happen to her such as sids or suffocation but they think that I'm a first time mom for some reason and wanna tell me all the bs I already know rules and granted I listen to a good portion of them but their are some that are just stupid but any way sorry this was so long just had to rant for a second

~sincirely a very tired and agitated mom~