Hey guys! So as the title said this is about a triggering kink.

My husband has the fantasy of me “raping” him. Full fledge him saying no, not being horny at all, trying to stop me and me just taking advantage. The only thing is he’s so much stronger than me, now he’s never hurt me, but when I try to do this (mainly when he’s asleep And vulnerable) he wakes up slightly and tells me no, and if I continue he will grab my wrist and stop me and tell me no again. When he does this it doesn’t hurt but it’s enough of a grab to make it known to stop.

How can I live out this fantasy for him if I can’t even “rape” him? Like there’s no possible way because he always stops me and I can’t overpower him or anything (like he consensually says he wants)

UPDATE; wow thought this was a no judgement zone. This isn’t the worst thing I’ve seen on this app. Also he’s very submissive I think he just means he wants to be dominated but when writing this out I used his terminology.

UPDATE2: it was like 2am when I wrote this, and the first two responses I got were gifs and I didn’t appreciate it, Because I was super tired and I’m already emotional so I took something to the heart for no reason. But thank you for all the suggestions! I’ve approached him about it in the past and he always just says “I don’t know like when I’m not in the mood and you just do it anyways”