Tell me if this sounds like labor is near... ? TMI

Just trying to assess my symptoms here.

So once every week since about 32 weeks I will get severe diarrhea along with really bad cramping, so much so that I’m scared it’s contractions (maybe it is ?) it’s been very consistent, every time I turn a new week I get at least one episode of this and it’s miserable (extremely watery diarrhea) . I’m 36 weeks and 2 days now and just had an episode of it. I also had pretty bothersome back pain along with nausea today. I think what I ate today didn’t really help but... I can’t predict diarrhea you know.🥺

I honestly still feel nauseous, I feel like I lost everything in my stomach and it feels better but I still have a crampy nausea feeling 😞☹️ I can’t sleep... for the past few nights I’ve noticed I have been waking up with cramps and throughout the day my poop has been so “soft” I guess.

Idk I’m miserable guys. Talk to me