Almost lost baby at almost 20 weeks still could loose him but being bashed for worrying and asking for prayers

Mandy • 💏2012 🎀👶🏼1/10/14👼🏻+👼🏻+👼🏻+👼🏻2019👼🏻6/30/19,👼🏻5/31/20

Ok so a few days ago I asked if it was just me like I didn’t see what I was doing wrong or if my friend has lost her damn mind and I need uplifting right now badly I am so blown away by this I just can’t. A week ago I was flight lifted to a high risk ob hospital to have an emergency cerclage placed because my sac was hanging out at only like 19 weeks and 4 days. It was so serious they had us making funeral arrangements. Luckily things changed that allowed them to operate and place the stitch but I’m still contracting so I could still loose him. I’ve had an amazing outpoor of love and support from not only family and friends but complete strangers and with all the prayers I feel we were able to have the surgery so I’ve desperately been asking for prayers when things go bad because naturally I’m scared and it’s all I’ve got now because there’s nothing else doctors can do. My best friend is also pregnant I’m 20 weeks now and she’s 23 she posted a pic saying finally 23 weeks and I commented “omg so happy for you is kill to be 23 weeks cause it’s considered viability” mind you this same person has been non stop posting asking others to pray for me. Well when I said that she came back with this

I was blown away well then she goes on Facebook and posts this shit about why she won’t be on Facebook for awhile! People are commenting oh I’m so sorry your posts you see are all negativity and I’m so wanting to put her ass on blast by commenting and being like sadly the negativity she’s referring to is my baby that just about died and me asking for prayers! I know I need to be more positive for baby and I’m truly trying but she’s making me sound like I’ve been all woe is me and shit and she says I’m posting all the time about loosing Colton, when I’ve been posting nonstop updates because people beg to know how he is and I have posted multiple posts saying how grateful I am for the prayers and how god is good. I don’t want to get into it with this bitch but I am really upset by this I’m legit getting put down for being scared like wtf