73 Days Left Until He’s Home, 93 Days Until Baby is Born

My boyfriend will be home from a 6 month stay in state prison in just 73 days. My due date is just 20 days after he gets home. We always write to each other, talk on the phone for 10minutes a week, and I see him twice a month so no doubt our relationship is still strong. He’s also very excited about having a family now. I’m just worried that he’ll have trouble with all the pressure that comes with it. I’ve been working two full time jobs to save up what I can because I just signed a lease and I have car payments twice a month, car insurance, gas&electric, and phone bill.I’m obviously gonna have to take off work for a little while and I’m stressing over the fact that I might have to go back to work soon after I deliver just so we can stay on top of our bills. Idk how he’s going to adjust back into things, even if it was only 6months. It might be difficult for him to find a decent job quickly because of the new additions to his felony record. He asked his PO about help with finding a job when he gets out and she said that’s not her responsibility. I tried to apply for government assistance like WIC, food stamps, and HEAP but of course they said I make too much money. I have about 1,000 dollars saved but I haven’t even bought one thing for the baby and when I add up all my current expenses it’s clear that I’ll only be able to stay home from work for 2 weeks before I need to go back to work in order to make rent the next month. I don’t want to expect too much of my partner so soon after he’s free or should I? I think if I put too much pressure on him, he’ll resort to making money in an illegal fashion. I guess what I’m looking for is advice/reassurance.