Is it just me?


I’ll probably seem like such a jerk 😓

Point blank- I HATE when people come over unannounced. I don’t care if it’s friends, family, in laws.... I just always have. Basically everyone knows to call or text me first if you’re “in the area” before stopping over.

My grandfather is older, and he was/is basically my dad. My grandmother died in 2011 and he remarried this lady who is nice, but an airhead which annoys all of us lol. She’s also super religious which has also made him more religious, which is great do your thing. Only problem was they were constantly putting the church before family, which I came to terms with years ago. We would easily go weeks without talking 🙊

Now that I had my daughter (his 1st great granddaughter) all of a sudden I’m number one again which is great, but if he calls and either I don’t want visitors or am busy..... his wife goes to my aunt and says how I’m hurting my grandfather by saying he can’t come over. I have 2 big dogs that are friendly but don’t realize their size, so I’ve been going over just about once a week to his house for hours so my daughter and him can spend time together. If he gives me a heads up I try to put them in my room so he can sit on the couch with my daughter. They only live about 15 minutes away from me.

Today as I’m giving her a bath, they came knocking on my door. I had to scoop her out (she hates baths as it is), and I answered super annoyed and said I was giving her a bath. I was planning on going for a walk with her after (I would’ve had him come, but he can’t walk long distances). So I figure he’s leaving, go back to giving her a bath and see he’s walking on my step-grandfathers porch to wait for me. At this point I’m just over today (also had my judgey aunt calling this morning begging me to come over).

I call my stepdad and told him what happened. He went over and told him how he really needs to call first before coming over blah blah blah, and they leave.

I feel like an asshole because I love my grandfather so much, but I wish he would’ve called first. I’m still in pajamas not showered, don’t even have a bra on, and just wasn’t in the mood to entertain today. I hate being put in this position especially since my other grandmother died in April, and I always feel super guilty for turning him away because of that. I always think “what if” 😭

Am I the only one who really hates people dropping by unannounced no matter who it is? I’m in such a shit mood now because I feel like a jerk, but I wish they would’ve just called or text first 😭