So my husband has a very short temper,not physically but aggressively loud,mean and curses. Today we went out to lunch and my daughter ordered a side of fries. She was being rude,didn't want too share with him and moved the plate away. Well,this made my husband mad. He grabbed the fries and said she couldnt have any. Then he started to taunt her by saying "oh how do u like,now u get none". He wouldnt drop it,continued taunting her and she started too cry. I told him basically that he proved his point and can she have her fries back. This made him even more angry,now he is getting loud in the restaurant saying stuff like "see this is why shes bad and disrespectful, you undermind everything I say and do".Then he turns too her and starts too tell her how entitled she is,spoiled brat,disrespectful and the list goes on. She continues too cry and im holding back tears. He then goes on too say when her ice cream comes he gets first bite...Well the waitress brings the ice cream too my daughter and my daughter starts too laugh,grabs it and takes a big bite. Which of course makes him more mad and louder. At this point her and I are just silent and she starts crying all over again. Well we get in the car and my husband is still all attitude and im asking him to please just drop the discussion. Now,hes cursing up a storm!!! Yelling,saying how horrible my daughter is and then turns to her and starts cursing her out saying "youre just a child,you dont have a fu&^in say in anything"," youre an asshole" and telling her the less time he spends with her the better off he is. Now im just shocked! Im asking him nicely and calmly too stop talking but of course he doesnt saying "you 2 always gang up on me","now im the asshole for disciplining her because you sure as fu k dont". Which I do discipline her just differently and I have more patience. I try explaining to him that I will back him up when he disciplines her but I won't if hes yelling,cussing and taunting. Nothing got through too him and I just drove home crying while getting yelled out,not saying a word. He literally was yelling for like 10min while we just listened. Full blown cussing me out basically saying im a worthless parent. I told him I wont put up with him talking to us like this anymore. Ive put up with it 14 yrs and my poor daughter 10 yrs. I tell him ill just move cross country back home where i have family (we are a military family and I have zero friends or family in our current state) and Lilly and I would be happier because we wouldnt be talked too like this. He literally said " yeah,she will be more happy because she will walk all over you and turn into a crack head whore"😥😥😥 we dropped him off at home and her and I went too buy her a few things too lift her spirits up. I feel like I do undermind him a bit because after a huge blow up like this I feel I need too build her back up again. Telling her how wonderful of a child she is,letting her know how much I love her

I feel absolutely horrible that I put our daughter through this! Is it ok for him too talk too us like this,especially her! Ya knock some sense into me,im feel completly stuck and powerless!!!