breastmilk in mason jar??


so im exclusively pumping bc my lo doesnt get a good latch so i pump every 2.5 hours and i can get a good 3-4 oz every pump session. i only have 2 bottles that i can pump into. so i wanted to know if anyone has used like the pitcher method. i want to pump my milk, store in the fridge and then when cold enough pour into a 32 oz mason jar so that i can have bottles to pump into. and then just keep the mason jar in the fridge bc lo does eat around 3 oz every 2.5 hours. so he does eat a lot of my pump session milk.

has anyone tried storing milk in mason jars in the fridge? i try to look up similar stories online but its all for freezing, i dont want to freeze all my milk. i have bags for freezing.