Partner’s stress and how you deal with it?


I’m sure everyone has gone through it at some point but I would love some advice on how you all deal with your partner’s work related stress?

I’ve been dating my bf for about 10 months now, everything is great with the exception that he’s been job hunting for most of our relationship so far. His work is extremely stressful, long hours sometimes and his manager is terrible. I know he is trying his best to not let it effect him, but as much as he tries his mood changes does change significantly.

When he has interviews he spends a lot of time on the weekend preparing. Sometimes I can’t help but feel somewhat second priority sometimes because when he’s in his zone he blocks everything out, his mood changes and it effects me and our sex life. He gets tired or isn’t in the mood, we went from 3-4 times of sex a week to once a week and we haven’t even hit the 1 year mark...

I feel bad that I do feel this way sometimes because I know I should be supporting him during this tough period.

Would love to know if anyone has been on either side of this and what would you recommend on how to get through this!