So confused! Am I or not?!?!

KZ • "What you believe you can do is only the beginning of what you can overcome." -ZSD

I haven’t had this kind of low abdominal pain in this amount and sharpness since way back in high school when I would have these horrible pms pains once a year or so but there’s no AF now and I’ve had only none to vvvvvfl since day 8after trigger and day 7 after <a href="">IUI</a>... Today I had my blood test and it registered 5. Now less than 5 means negative and on the phone they said the doc thinks it could be leftover from the shot, 15days ago now! So they have me coming in to retest on Monday unless of course AF shows up by then...

Has anyone had a blood test come up at 5 and turned out to actually be🤰🏼?