Anyone else?

Anyone else just annoyed by others existences? Doesn't matter who right now.... My dogs, my 7 year old, my brother's kids, and not to mention my husband. Him breathing air infuriates me right now.

Part of me feels embarrassed for feeling this way. This is usually how I can tell that I need my mh meds adjusted but being pregnant...well you understand. I know they don't deserve my shit and by no means do I feel like because I'm carrying a baby that everyone should bow down to me. I'm honestly reaching out to vent and see if anyone else is a hostage to their emotions? I'm not the tearful crying over the SPCA commercials kind of hostage, I feel more a very tired toddler. Im very aware that the things I'm getting upset and frustrated about are the normal things that mom's feel. I just can't help but feel like I'm failing and wasting what a precious gift this is by being such a bitter Barb.