What to do?

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Posted at
That's selfish of her. she's trying to make it about her and it's not. I'd be pissed.


Posted at
Wow I'm sorry, that's crappy. You don't need friends like that. She could of waited until after to say something to you instead of just bailing. That was really childish. I'm guessing she's jealous. 


Cindy • Sep 29, 2015
From rumors I've heard that was the case


Posted at
Wow sorry to say but your friend is selfish!! It's your big news and you were not obligated to tell anyone in any specific order. It's not about her and for her to have acted like that should have you questioning the friendship. 


Posted at
She's a crappy friend and probably having a hard time since so much attention has been on you with wedding and baby. That's no excuse, she was completely out of line- it shouldn't matter whatever order people are told the gender, I'm sorry she upset you but please don't go begging her back. She either has your back or doesn't, and her true colors have shown.


Cindy • Sep 29, 2015
Right that's what I'm saying thanks I knew I wasn't wrong I feel like I have nothing to apologize for


Posted at
That's really insensitive of your MOH, it's a wedding + baby + family coming all at once. It's ludicrously stressful!! You didn't not tell her on purpose.Let her cool off, then send her an extra note with her thank you note. Saying this is what happened and I'm sorry for forgetting to include you, please know that you are my friend and I have pregnancy, wedding and now honeymoon brain!


Posted at
She needs to stop being so immature & realize you had a lot going on that you didn't mean to intentionally not tell her.