Do you like your name?

M • Happily married. Girl mom 💗💗💗

With so many baby name posts I thought it would be interesting to see just how many people actually like their name. Specifically their first name.

If you’d like to elaborate or share your name (many people go by nick names rather than their real names ) please comment.

Maybe this will shed some light for those people trying to name their babies and steer them in a different direction. After all your child is the one who will have to live with the name you pick.

My real first name is Mirium. I dislike it so much that I rarely allow anyone to call me that. I go by Mary which came from my grandfather calling me Miri.

I don’t like it for one because of the spelling. It’s usually spelled with an a not a u. People always mispronounce it or make off comments about it.

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