Little mama came 6 days prior to her due date

Little mama came 6 days prior to her due date. I didn’t know I was in labor for about 4-5 hours. I thought she was just pushing on me. When what I thought were pushes started coming pretty rhythmically and stronger I figured we should probably head to the hospital. With my first child, I had to be induced so I didn’t know how it was to go into labor naturally. Contractions stayed steady and came super strong. I was progressing really well until we got to 8.5 cm. That’s when the dilation progress stopped and I was stuck for 5 hours. Finally they decided to give me pitocin and some medication that didn’t help for pain but made me super mellow and sleepy lol. When I say I was out of it y’all 😩 after however long I finally dilated fully. They had me start pushing. Maybe 10 minutes later my beautiful princess arrived looking like an exact carbon copy of her older brother lol. 6lbs 9oz, 19.5 inches and a head full of hair 🥰