Opinions on people who don’t like dogs

Toast • *Black Lives Matter* and Happy Pride Month everyone!

I’m going to be blatant, me and my brother don’t like dogs. No we aren’t animal abusers, we aren’t going to go kick your dog for existing. We both are afraid of dogs from bad experiences. Well yesterday we were at a street fair, but a bunch of people brought their dogs.

My younger brother has autism and of course would get very freaked out whenever one came near him. Big or small it didn’t matter. Well he’d go behind me or my mom, shriek, or clutch both our hands as we walk past. Well while a man was walking their dog past us very close, my younger brother was getting nervous and my mom said “Sorry, he’s afraid of dogs.” And the man had the nerve to say “Well I don’t trust people who don’t like dogs.” I was in disbelief, that my younger brother who is a very sweet person and always tries his best is being judged because he’s afraid of something.

How do you feel about the whole “I don’t trust people who don’t like dogs” thing? Or how do you feel about people who don’t like dogs as a whole? Do you think disliking a dog is worse than disliking another animal?

Bonus Question: Me and my brother both have Flight reactions when scared luckily. But say a dog were to scare someone who had a fight reaction. Whether it be from it barking, or jumping out. The person didn’t mean to hurt the dog, they just were scared. How would you feel about that?