10 Things that I wish I knew the first time around (second time mom)


1. Don’t worry about finishing the perfect nursery, chances are that baby will sleep in a bassinet in your room for at least a month or two after they arrive.

2. Don’t take the tags off of everything! Wash only the basics. You don’t know how big baby really will be, or how fast they’ll grow.

3. Save your receipts! You might be surprised at everything you’ll want to return to the store as you realize what baby gear works for you.

4. Fuck everyone who says sleep when the baby sleeps - sleep when you can! That might be when baby sleeps, that might be when your partner watches baby for a few and you PTFO for a few.

5. Birth plans are fine, but things hardly ever go exactly as planned. Give yourself a break if they don’t. Babies have their own way of deciding when and how they will be born.

6. Your baby will probably not be born on their due date! FTMs are often late. It sucks but if you go in with this mindset, you might save yourself some frustration.

7. Old wives tales are just that - old wives tales! Most don’t work to induce labor, and if they do, it’s probably just coincidence!

8. Don’t buy baby shoes before they come. Like why? They probably won’t fit, and babies can’t walk anyway. Save your money.

9. Breastfeeding is harder than everyone makes it look. Ask questions, but don’t beat yourself up for having a hard time. It takes a lot of practice and time for you and baby to get the hang of it, and that’s normal!

10. Amazon is your friend! Leaving the house is hard in the beginning. We live in a world where you can have anything you need delivered within a day or two - so don’t freak if you don’t have everything all those stupid registry lists say you need!

Other second time moms - add whatever you wish you knew about those early days! Let’s help our FTM friends 😊