i don’t feel pretty.

i’m 13 and i weigh 195lbs. i have tried many things to loose but i can’t. it’s gotten so bad i didn’t eat. our family has this issue but i don’t understand why nothing works. i am always the “fat” friend and i hate it. i don’t know what to do. please help:(

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Posted at
Trust me i know how u feel baby girl.. I wish i would have got help when i was your age .. But it took until i was in my later twentys to finally loss weight .. KETO/LOW CARB youtube it.. Look it up.. Read it.. It will chnage your life you can do it.!


Emily • Jun 28, 2019
thank you ! <3


Posted at
Hey girlie,First off...I know how you feel. I remember the summer I turned 13. I stepped on the scale and weighed 200 pounds. That was the beginning of never feeling good enough or pretty enough. I'm 26 now. I'm choosing to turn my life around for me, my hubby and my son. I want to tell you that you can change your life now. It'll be easier to get to a healthy weight now with a healthy lifestyle change than to keep putting on weight and trying to lose the weight later. 1. Find something you enjoy doing to move your body and do it every single day. For me it's dance. 2. Limit your carbs. I know as a teen that's hard but make choices. If you want pizza for one meal, have a salad for another meal. Try not to drink your calories (regular soda, Starbucks sugary drinks, etc.) 3. Drink half of your body weight in water a day- six 16oz water bottles. It really helps keep your extra bloating under control. 4. HAVE FUN and remember that YOU'RE AMAZING and QUIRKY and AWESOME and BEAUTIFUL. At the end of the day while you're trying to get to a healthy weight, don't forget to be a kid. Try to remember that life is a journey and each choice we make, good or not so good, sets us up for our future. You got this girl! 😍💪


Jessica • Jun 28, 2019
You're so welcome! I'm here to talk if you ever need anything!


Emily • Jun 28, 2019
thank you so much <3


Posted at
Since you are 13 you have hormones changing like crazy. If it is an issue in your family you may want to talk to your doctor. Focus on eating healthy and getting active.


Posted at
I know it can be hard being on the heavy side cause I’ve been on the heavy side since I was about 3 years old and I know it’s hard I’m 15 now and going into my second year of high school and i think I’m over 200 lb but what help me get through it all was to just stop caring about what other people had to say about my weight and I’m pretty happy I have really good friends who may I say are all under 120 lb but that’s fine if you ever need someone to talk to I’m there


Posted at
Focus on making some healthy eating choices and AGE APPROPRIATE EXERCISE. Not running miles and miles and not bench pressing cars. Try looking up yoga videos on YouTube. Do them with light weights if you want. My doctor told me a can of soup in each hand would work just fine.


Posted at
You’re not done growing. Wait until you’re out of your teen years. That isn’t unhealthily obese. Every 13 year old hates their body. Just relax. Puberty makes your body weird. 13 is such an odd in between phase and it sucks. Just wait. Relax.


Posted at
Listen, I'm only 12 and I weigh 185 pounds, you probably just have more mature body than your friends, look up 15 minute teen workouts on YouTube, do it every day, have a healthy diet, I think it might help good luck😁


Posted at
I bet your gorgeous!There’s a new thing called food combining. It’s really good for you and is supposed to help weight loss. Also, do one exercise a day- like go on one walk a day or something. Good luck!
I bet your gorgeous!There’s a new thing called food combining. It’s really good for you and is supposed to help weight loss. Also, do one exercise a day- like go on one walk a day or something. Good luck!


Posted at
You’re still so young that I honestly believe at this point you shouldn’t “diet”... to me that can only serve to make unhealthy body image habits in the future. Try right now to make a healthy lifestyle for yourself, regular exercise, healthy diet, etc and the body that you’re supposed to have will follow!! Make happy, healthy memories with your friends and enjoy your life, don’t focus on just “losing weight”