Successful VBAC! (Very Graphic Photos)

Jennifer • •Mother of three Daughters and four Angels •Just here showing love 💗 •Pregnant with our Rainbow 🌈

With my first daughter I couldn't dilate past 3cm so we were told I would more likely have C-sections with all future babies! With my first being only a week away from being a year old, my chances of a VBAC were pretty small BUT...

June 23rd I started to have small contractions at 5:26pm and they slowly progressed. 2 minutes apart lasting 30 seconds each! 10:56pm comes around and I swear I am peeing myself! 11:38pm My water breaks on the bathroom floor. We rush to the hospital and it's confirmed at 12:07am it is indeed my water and I was 4cm dilated.

2:45am I am checked again and I'm 5cm! At this point we are just so excited because I'm passed what I could ever go with my first daughter. 6:45am rolls around and there is no progress so we start pitocin and doctor fully breaks my water. Checked at 9:30am to have something put in to make sure I'm actually having strong contractions and I'm at a 6 so I'm progressing!

This is where things get CRAZY. In just 30 minutes, at 10:02am I'm checked AND IM 9.5CM DILATED. 10 minutes pass and I'm complete. It's pushing time!

Pushed for 30 minutes and at 11:06am, Evanlyee Ray Rose Blenden was brought into this world weighing 6lbs 4oz and 19.25 long by a successful and quick VBAC! Which no complications are being shown as of right now so we will soon be home!

16 days early from her original due date 💗 (37+5)

Exactly a week from today, I will have a year old and a week old 💗

[Photos removed by Glow]

EDIT: I Don't understand WHY my photos were seriously removed. It's childbirth, something that is completely natural and such a beautiful thing to be proud of. I put in the title what was on my post as well as blurred them. If someone didn't want to look at them, they didn't need to click. I'd rather see a baby being born than half the photos on here that show full on vag with girls asking if they have clap. 🤷🏽‍♀️

ALSO.. If you are seriously offended by a little vagina on an app that is specifically for parenting, pregnancy, etc. You really should not be on here.

Thank you to all those for congratulating me and those to stick up for me on something so immature. 🤦🏽‍♀️