Not going to make it to my due date...

Izzy • PNW 🌲 Retired Professional Ballerina. Master Pointe Shoe Fitter. Momma to 🐕🐈 👶🏻💙

Update on my last post. To recap, I went in to my 30 week appointment thinking it'd be super quick and easy and ended up being 1 cm dialated and 50% effaced.

I had my follow up appointment today and I've progressed, but only by 1/2 a cm and 90% effaced. My cervix wasn't any thinner either. This past Sunday I literally sat on my couch the entire day while my husband helped me do laundry, and I had consist contractions throughout the whole day. I got a steroid shot today to help baby's lungs develop quicker and the hour they monitored me, I had 15 full contractions that were easily picked up my the monitor (I'm a ftm so I have NO idea how those machines work). They've asked me to take it EXTREMELY easy, not quite on bed rest yet, but his head is engaged in my pelvis so there's no way he's making it to his due date, August 28th.

Any moms out there who have had preemies before? I have no idea what to expect, what to bring to the hospital.. I already packed a hospital bag because I panicked that he would come around 37 weeks, but they're looking at him making his grand entrance closer to 34 weeks and that terrifies me...