PSA evidence based medicine supports VBAC


Any Dr who:

*Schedules a "just in case RCS" at 39,40,41,42 weeks for no medical need

*Suggests a RCS/Induction for suspected big baby

* Suggests a RCS/induction for "low fluids* although baby is fine

* refuses induction for any reason

* Offers only to "break waters* then gives you 12-24 hrs to progress

*Says you HAVE to progress x cm per hr

* Says you HAVE to be dilated at x gestation

*Uses the "success calculator*

* Says you're " too small" " too fat" to push a baby out

* Says you're " high risk" based on the less than 1% chance of rupture

* Says you can discuss vbac at a later date

* Confines you to the bed

* Restricts food/water

* Forces CFM or iV

*Cannot do an ECV

*Baby breech at 30+ weeks=rcs

Is ****NOT**** supportive!!!

If you were able to vbac with such a Dr, you had luck and God on your side! Providers who do not follow evidence make it VERY hard for moms to vbac.

A supportive provider makes a HUGE difference. Take time before pregnancy or in early pregnancy to find real, evidence based support. Have a back up plan. Don't "wait and see."

To wrap up--- find a provider who follows evidence, research everything to make an informed choice. Your doctor doesn’t “let” or “allow” you to do things you hire the doctor. Thanks..