Not super fast but fast enough!


It all started on Sunday (23 June) afternoon when I lost my mucous plug, this was my third pregnancy and the most traumatic one yet anyway kept losing little bits of it all the way till bed time. We went to bed at 1030 and well everyone was asleep but me and my husband we were talking about silly things and how we couldn’t have sex now that my plug was gone. He finally went to sleep at 1230 and well normal pregnant lady problems I couldn’t because I was uncomfortable, needed water and had heartburn like every night before lol.

Fast forward to 130 when I finally tired falling asleep with my phone in my hand and actually slapping myself with it when I did doze off lol. Well I finally gave up my phone and put my head down, well little did I know it was the beginning of a new adventure in 20 minutes lol.

Let me tell you I’ve never gotten up so fast in my life like I did when o thought omg I peed on myself in bed and it almost got on the bed. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Well little did I know until I stop and thought wait a minute that looks like blood when I cleaned myself up.

Kind of asked my sleeping husband to do a crazy thing and smell my underwear lol 😂 as he does so I’m think well if it was my water I don’t know what color it was but I do know what time and all the other fun stuff about it. I got back in bed to wait to see if I would wet the pad I put on. During this time my husband was making me laugh about silly thing. Well at 245 things started happening the contractions started and that’s when I knew it was my water.

We got ready called our friend to watch our girls had to drive to drop them off which by the way is 25 minutes the opposite direction of the hospital 🏥 well during the car ride my contractions got really bad and I couldn’t help but worry that I was going to have him in the car.

My husband is doing everything to comfort me and talk me through contractions as we drive to the hospital, we finally get to the hospital I get out of the car and onto a chair to be taken up to labor and delivery. This is where I feel horrible I threw up in the elevator 🤦🏻‍♀️ and in the hallway. The nurse says it’s ok but I feel horrible, they get me into a room and on between two big contractions they check me.... the nurses eye about pop out of her head she looks at me and say your 9cm plus 1 😳😳😳

I don’t even get off the bed in the triage room they move it to the delivery room and start rushing into getting the room ready for me and baby.

I wasn’t planning on going all natural but our son had other plans. I had to push our handsome little man out at 9 cm because his heart rate kept going down. I pushed five time and out he came all 7 lbs 10 oz of baby boy. He has now completed our family.