What to believe?

While me and my fiance were broken up he slept with another girl. She called him and told him she was pregnant after she found out we were back together. He swears he used a condom and that she's doing it for attention. But idk what to believe
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Posted at
I don't understand when someone breaks up they just hop into the sack with someone else ..in my opinion if it's that easy to screw someone else then they didn't care about you in the first place.


Djinn • Sep 29, 2015


Rebecca • Sep 29, 2015
Not only that but without a condom!!!


Karen Ann • Sep 29, 2015


Posted at
First I want to say that I'm so sorry this happened to you. It must be very hard to deal with. I couldn't imagine how you feel. But the only thing to do is to have a dna test done and if it comes back that the baby is his then you have some deciding to do. Weather you want you stay with him or leave.


Posted at
Well you were broken up. All that you can do is wait to see if she has a baby and then get a DNA test.


Posted at
How long were you apart and how far along is she. Did you get engaged before or after the break up? How long have you been together?If you choose to stay, I would not even marry him until the baby comesand there's a DNA test. Blended familes are rough and I would want to see if I could handle it before committing for life.


Posted at
If u love him stay and so dna. I was living with a bf a long time ago we talked bout getting married having a family I came home from work to a message that said I'm pregnant. I broke it off and left even tho he swore he didn't cheat but I didn't believe him bc I thought y would she leave a message that says that. Come to find out she didn't know who baby daddy was n dna proved he wasn't father. Still no regrets love my husband.


Posted at
so sorry this happened. first thing, though - do not marry the man until the baby is born. i repeat, DON'T MARRY HIM! it'll only further complicate things. when the baby is born, i would suggest a paternity test be administered immediately. good luck!


Posted at
I had a girl do that to my bf once and turns out she was lying.