Black zits...

This is embarrassing to write but I’m 39 weeks pregnant and have found at first I thought a mole on the outside of my vagina but my fiancé said it was like a zit and when I popped it all that came out was a clot of blood and it just bleed like crazy. Well that was a week ago and it’s gotten smaller and doesn’t hurt really at all but I was just going to the restroom and felt another one and it popped and bleed for a sec (not nearly as bad as the first time) but I’m kinda freaked out. Has anyone had this before? It’s hard because my belly is so big I can’t see anything down stairs and so I have a doctors appointment on Thursday but I’d like to know if anyone has had this before?🥴 should I be worried. Yes I shave down stairs so we thought maybe an ingrown hair but another popped up.