Conceiving 2nd

Sarah • Wife, Momma to my Nora and new son Luca.

My husband and I have always wanted two children. It took us a full year of trying to conceive Nora. We started trying to conceive our second in September of last year and boom I was pregnant. It happened so fast. Faster than the first time around. We then got the news we never thought we would get. Our baby’s heart stopped at my 10week appt. Devastated is an understatement to what I felt and have been feeling. To have seen that heart beating then boom gone. It’s indescribable. I was suppose to be due the end of this month. So it’s hard right now. I had a dnc early dec and we got the clear to start trying again in February. Nothing yet. I’m just bummed. I’m so grateful for my daughter. She’s my world. I think just knowing we had a sibling for her then we didn’t... is deflating and sad since we’ve been unsuccessful in conceiving again. My friends are super supportive but I’ve been in this mommy group since before we all had our babies in oct of 2017 so sometimes I feel I have to let it out here too. It helps a little writing it.....