HELP! Epidural or not?

Nym • ❤️

Hi mums! So I’m a first time mum and am 5 mos pregnant woth our lil one. I am trying to figure out birthing plans and am 100% wishing to be able to do a normal delivery... I am not just sure about the pain relief I would go for.. huhu. I have suffered severe all day sickness up to 17th week and just starting to regain my energy back. 😊 I am wanting to get an epidural but have read some mums judging those gettig an epidural.. my hubby wanted me to get an epidural. I’m consodering gas and air first and decide later on if I will opt for an epidural but basing from other mum’s experience, gas and air just gave them dizzy spells..

What is your take on this matter?

Ready for your insights 😊