So here my husband and I are celebrating our 12 month olds birthday and find out a couple of days la...

So here my husband and I are celebrating our 12 month olds birthday and find out a couple of days later we are expecting out 5th child (We have 3 girls 12, 10, & 7, and one boy)!!!!!!! My husband was super excited but me I was having a hundred different emotions running through my mind! However its was in God's plan and it took me a while but I finally embraced and enjoyed it.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fast forward: Here I am at my 37 week checkup ready to have this baby and willing to do anything to get him out!!! So at a peevious appointment I asked my doctor to preform a membrane sweep at 37 weeks and she agreed!!!! Yay!!!! So here we go she does the sweep and tells me that I am dialated 3cm and to continue my regimen of the primrose, in which she had me start at 35 week orally and vaginally at 36.5 weeks, and she was hoping something would happen soon. So because my husband didn't make that appointment due to working over he was still able to pick me up afterwards. I told him what went on and that she stated she is hopeful something will happen this week! So while waiting on nature I did a ton walking, ate a couple of whole pineapples, and somehow my husband taked to me into having sex on Thursday night😂😂😂. I had not wanted to have sex in months because I was big and just wasn't up for it. However it happened and he swore that his sperm was the medicine my cervix needed😂😂😂. Here we go Friday morning I get up and just feel funny for whatever reason and in my head I am saying "oh we are having a baby today." I went on an inserted 4 primrose pills in me as I figured that oil and sperm could work together in some type of way!! I get ready for work and take our toddler to daycare and after that there started the contractions. Now I had been having braxton hicks for a while and I wanted to make sure that this was not what it was because I didn't want to go the hospital and they send me home. So I waited literally all day around noon they were 2-5 minutes apart. So I go to lunch and come back and still proceed to work. Around 3ish I gather my things and tell everyone bye and that I was walking over to the main hospital and that I was sure I wasn't coming back. So I get there and they hook me up and the contractions were just a coming and even better I had dialated a cm and a half more. By the time my husband got there they decided to send me to labor and delivery... We were so excited!!!!! We got up there and they asked me my pain management plan and I told them I wasn't sure if I wanted an epidural or not. The doctor checked me and I 5cm at that point and she said girl things will take off from here so you may or may not he able to get an epidural. I was just like its fine.. So they gave me pitocin because my conractions began to slow down however that stuff is the devil... I was hurting so bad and decided to get the epidural and boy was I in for a surprise. The anesthesiologist got there and began to prepare I set up on the side of the bed. The contractions were super strong and I was just letting them know my body was pushing on its on. I had three contractions and I let them know on that last one I needed to laydown. So he stoped what he was doing and laid me down ASAP... Low behold the baby was crowning, I was screaming, the nurse was saying he is coming just push just push, and in came running the team and the baby poped out literally!!! I had never felt the ring of fire but because I wasn't able to get the epidural I felt every single thing!!!!! It was a hard but an amazing experience considering this was our last child.. My husband and I were so elated as if it was our first child😂😂!!!

Thanks for reading my story!!!

Melchizedek Zechariah Hudson

Born: June 21, 2019 @2249

Weight: 7lbs 6.5oz Height: 19 1/4in