Guy triggered a flashback and panic attack

Katie • I have eggs and they like to leave once a month

So I was talking to a guy for 2 months. He dropped the bomb that he only wants to cuddle and fuck me, he wanted to be friends with benefits after leading me on. I didn’t get my hopes from the start and I decided he wasn’t right for me- okay that’s fine it wasn’t a loss for me.

He asked me for nudes, I declined and said that’s not what I’m interested in. The conversation took a power shift and I was the one with little power. The way he pushed for pictures and the power shift gave me a flashback of the first time I got sexually assaulted.

I started having a panic attack and couldn’t continue our text conversation. Left him on read, and he texted back asking if he did something wrong. I told him I had a flashback of a sexual assault and I’m having a panic attack and I can’t continue the conversation. He replied “oh I’m sorry didn’t mean to do that.” Now, that’s just being an asshole.

Even for 2 months of chatting and being good friends couldn’t call me up or just give a better apology. Dropped him like a fly and removed him from my contacts and social media.

My other friend, who I’ll call Sammy, and I were texting before. I told her I’m sorry, I just had a flashback and now I have a panic attack I can’t continue on talking. Wished her a goodnight and 3 minutes later I got a call from her. She stayed on the phone with me for around half an hour and helped me through it. She’s been sexually assaulted as well and told me it doesn’t go away, but it’s about how you deal with it. I’ve never felt so lucky to have an amazing friend.