Irrational anxiety.

Elizabeth • Elizabeth, 26. TTC baby #1 for 5 years now. Two losses, 11.30.11 @ 7 weeks, and 11.28.12 @ 16 weeks.
I haven't had such anxiety over a cycle in quite some time. I spent all day yesterday sick and exhausted. Took a sick day at work. This morning I woke up feeling "off." Like faint/dizzy if I move too fast, and a nausea that feels like extreme hunger pangs. I ate a bit before I left for work, but now the feeling is back. I don't really want to eat, but keeping food on my stomach yesterday is what made me feel better for short periods of time. 
I'm terrified that this is all coincidental and will result in AF coming, as per usual, right on time. In addition, I've had intermittent dull aches and cramps very low across my abdomen that send little prickling feelings into my upper thighs. Also some mild lower back pain. My breasts aren't significantly sore, but a bit tender. My sex drive is non existent. I'm exhausted yet I relaxed and napped all day yesterday. 
This time of year sucks as it marks three and four years since our miscarriages in November. I'd love to be pregnant, but I don't even want to test. Today is 10DPO, and I could probably get away with an early HPT, but I can't bring myself to do it. 
Anyone else feeling extreme anxiety this month?!