Quick advice 24 weeks labor and delivery visit?


Hey guys,

I was at work and around 1:30 I started to cramp pretty intensely. It got worse and worse and I got sharp pains, and felt my stomach tightening. I called my doctor and they said if you start bleeding or it stays consistent after a few hours go to labor and delivery for a check up. It’s been 3-4 hours since then, it was still bad at first, I found dried blood on my panty liner, but it wasn’t fresh. It died down for a bit but it’s startingback up with pain that feels like when you’re bleeding super hard on your period, and pain the bones around my baby hole area. There was some pressure but it left off. What do you think? I feel like I’m being paranoid and they’re just going to laugh at me and send me home.

Advice? Should I go? Should I feel bad about going?