Ripped and irritated after sex every time now

Hi I really need some advice.

So my bf and I have been together for three years and four months and have been sexually active a while. From January to May we were long distancing and now that we’re back together, whenever we get intimate the area between my yoni and butt gets these little tears that sting and hurt really bad. They scab up, heal, and repeat. There is some scar tissue there but it’s completely healed and we’ve never had this problem before. It also hurts on the outside when he goes in. We’ve tried more foreplay and lubricating and nothing is working. Maybe it’s a mental thing I’m not sure but the idea of sex in my head is starting to be associated with pain now. I’ve tried my yoni egg but the benefit is temporary and I’m now leaning toward herbal remedies and going to see a gyno.

Any advice or has anyone experienced this?