How many of you ....

Mayra • Third time mommy to a beautiful baby girl Rosalia , Thalia , & Viviana we are adding our last baby and this time is a BOY 💙 in May 30, 2023.
Can't wait for your baby bump to show ? I'm 14wks and 4days and I'm not showing at all . I weight 116 and I'm 5' feets  I'm so tiny lol . All my symptoms are gone I only still have the hunger part and now I only go pee at nights twice not as much like before . I'm scared sometimes I feel like there something wrong with baby . I don't have my ultrasound until Nov, 9th. I'll be by then 21wks and we would be able to find out the gender. This wait killing me I want to know my baby gender already .  I read all this comments how baby's could die inside and I'm scared . I just can't wait to go to doctors next Thursday and hear my baby heartbeat again . Am I alone or do someone feels what I feel?