Anyone in similar situation or have advice?

I will be 36 weeks on Sunday and currently concerned with how big I think baby is getting. At 33 weeks he was approximately 6lbs and I know that's an estimation, my OB even said he was more likely 5 to 5 1/2lbs. I'm supposed to be induced by July 21st at 39 weeks if he doesn't come on his own before that as I have gestational diabetes and am.on insulin for it. My concern is baby might already be almost too big for me to have vaginally and I'd really like to avoid csection since my fiance cannot take any time off work other than for the birth and he would have to drive me to his moms almost every day he works until I'm cleared to drive and haul baby around for things. If I have to have a csection for babys well being I completely accept it. But if my OB could take me at 38 I'd feel a lot less worried about the aftermath of getting around with him and healing. Anyone in similar situation or have advice? I have my last ultrasound next Friday but I feel like I need it Monday 😂 this kid looks and feels massive already 😂🤯. Just want him out safely and to be able to not need to rely on anyone to help me get around.