It came!


I’ve never actually been so excited to write this but my period came 18 days late but I’m now officially cycle day 1!!

Things I’ve established now is

A) I have a 12 day luteal phase

B) with my having PCOS I ovulate a whole 7-10days later than this app says I do best chance is for me to get a big pack of ovulation tests and start testing from day 12 through to getting a positive

This month has cost a fortune in pregnancy tests and after multiple negative results with a false positive in between and I say false positive because I took a pregnancy test on a monday and got bloods done Thursday of that week and my results came back at 5 so I knew it was a fluke but my period finally came in so excited to try my new clearblue advanced ovulation this month does anyone have any experiences with these

Happy ttc everyone and baby dust